Goodbye 2023: Closing Ritual of the Year

Goodbye 2023: Closing Ritual of the Year

How are you experiencing the final stretch of the year? Do you feel ready to say goodbye to the year and start the new one with renewed energy?

At Gotes we are committed to self-care and that not only implies physical care, but also mental and emotional balance.

To close this year, we wanted to give a gift to our beautiful community with a closing ritual, which will allow you to end the year with clarity in order to walk forward with more certainty and focus. Looking into the future, projecting and planning is important. But looking back is also necessary to learn, evolve and, above all, be grateful for what we have experienced.

This ritual will allow you to stop for a moment and see everything you have achieved in the last year. You have a lot to thank yourself for, a lot to be proud of. And the thing is, we tend to be much more demanding with ourselves than with the people around us. It is very important to move forward being aware of how lucky we are, sometimes routine does not allow us to stop and appreciate the life we ​​have as it deserves.

To download your ritual click on the following link .

Tip: Prepare a space where you can sit quietly, play music that inspires you and turn on your diffuser with your favorite Gotes essential oil. Also light a white candle if you feel like it and create a moment for yourself.

Take advantage of this space to see how you feel, what worries you, what excites you and what your challenges and concerns are for the new year. Let what needs to come out from within come out, without judgments or demands.

Our last piece of advice is that in a year you recover this reflection and read it. It is a super revealing exercise to realize how much you have evolved and the new person you are each year. Everything changes, nothing remains, and how wonderful this constant flow! We wish you a happy entry into the new year, full of health, love and lots of self-care!

Thank you for being part of the Gotes family for another year!

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