Face Your Fears

Face Your Fears

Essential oils can help you manage, confront and overcome your fears or worries that threaten you.

AV Argan
To make an anxiety attack go away, you have to act quickly. For this, argan vegetable oil is the most suitable for diluting essential oils: thanks to its affinity with the skin barrier and its penetrating power, it will transport the essential oils directly to the heart of the body, allowing them to act quickly and effectively.
Buy Argan

AE Bergamot
Bergamot essential oil strengthens the mind, helps find self-confidence and eliminates fear. For nervousness, agitation, anxiety or phobias, it is best to diffuse it into the atmosphere with a diffuser.
Buy Bergamot

AE Geranium
Indicated in cases of severe stress and anxiety attacks. It can be used by olfaction, diffusion or inhalation. You can put a few drops diluted in a cream on your skin or on your pillow.
Buy Geranium

AE Ylang Ylang
It is an ideal natural tranquilizer to combat stage fright. It can be applied to the wrists diluted in a vegetable oil.
Buy Ylang Ylang

AE Lavender
Helps calm the nervous system. It is often recommended to relieve stress and anxiety. Its calming and relaxing properties are effective in treating insomnia. Up to 8 drops in a diffuser.
Buy Lavender

AE Petitgrain Bigarade
To reduce anxiety and nervousness, Petitgrain essential oil can be used in the bath (First diluted in a little vegetable oil), or also in a diffuser (5 to 10 drops).
Buy Petitgrain Bigarade

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